Capabilities and Services
Expertise Offered
Environmental Planners/Management Specialists
Environmental Lawyers/Policy Analysts
Environmental Economists/Finance Specialists
Institutional Development Specialists
Environmental/Natural Scientists
Water Resources Planners/Engineers
Environmental/Sanitary Engineers
Chemical/Process Engineers
Services Provided
Project development-strategic planning, pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies, site selection, permitting, concept plans, master plans, and sourcing for partners, technology, equipment, expertise and financing
Transaction support for privatization and foreign investment-environmental appraisals, due diligence, site assessments and cleanup plans, ipact assessments, monitoring and mitigation measures, and action and management plans
Environmental management and quality improvement-pollution prevention audits, energy efficiency audits, ISO14001 environmental management systems
Institutional assessments and capacity building-institutional assessments, training, technology transfer, pilot demonstrations, institutional strengthening and capacity building, project sustainability analysis
Environmental business management consulting and training-market studies, business planning, financing, marketing, sales, project management
Client Types Served
Multilateral and bilateral development agencies
Host country governments
Multinational and national companies
Geographic Areas Served
Central Asian Republics
Russia and Ukraine
Other New Independent States
Central and Eastern Europe
China and Mongolia
Economic Sectors Addressed
Energy and Natural Resources
Water and Sanitation
Agricultural and Forestry